SkyWorks provides a full complement of leasing, investment banking and advisory services exclusively dedicated to commercial aviation. We specialize in aircraft lease origination and provide a full suite of aircraft and lease management services for airlines and investors. SkyWorks is also a premier advisory and investment banking firm with key activities including financing arrangement, order campaigns, restructuring advisory, and network and fleet advisory. Our track record encompasses over 10% of the global commercial aircraft fleet. For additional information, please visit SkyWorks' website at
are the alternative takeout options for lessor warehouse funding?
these structures likely to continue to be used even when the ABS market returns
in some form?
likely is a return to E-note structures? Perhaps less likely in the near term
but is this on the horizon for longer term deals?
have airlines been using the private placement market? What structures/ deal
formats are proving popular?
Which equity opportunities exist for private market investors beyond traditional commercial passenger and cargo aircraft?
What type of growth opportunities exist for Lessors when it comes to leasing of future technology assets such as electric aircraft and battery storage/charging?